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Five Wellness Success Strategies

By Latisha J. Alford and Willetta D. Alford

Can you believe we are in the last month of the first quarter of a new year? My, how time seems to fly, especially when you least expect it; yesterday, we were jotting down our 2023 goals. It is time to re-assess what we originally planned back in January when we were in our “New Year, New Me” headspace. A lot of us probably had a weight loss or wellness goal. The beginning of a new year typically makes us feel that what we didn’t accomplish last year is more attainable with a new and fresh start.

Now is an excellent time for us to provide some helpful wellness tips for you to re-assess those 2023 goals. If you feel like you have already fallen off, no problem! We understand that trying to live a healthy lifestyle can seem difficult. One of the ways you can measure your wellness success is with a comparison photo. Choose a cute outfit that is a little snug; success is not always on the scale. Take a picture wearing it, then revisit the outfit in three months after following these five success strategies.       

  1. Girl, get your MIND right! Meeting your wellness goals starts in your mind. Sometimes, we self-sabotage ourselves mentally before ever getting started. It is important to develop a positive mindset to help you reach your wellness goals. Practice positive affirmations throughout the day that will motivate and inspire you along the journey. This can also help you remove unhealthy thoughts about food, like categorizing foods as “good” or “bad.” 
  2. Be realistic. One of the major setbacks in meeting wellness goals is that we set unrealistic expectations. Set Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound (SMART) goals and follow through.  
  3. Adopt healthy habits. Take the time to adopt healthy nutrition and exercise habits that will help you reach your goals. For example, replace sugary drinks with water or other zero-calorie beverages. Explore vegetables by incorporating them into every meal. 
  4. Make movement fun! Do you dislike walking on a treadmill for exercise? Well, why are you doing it
  5. ? Pick an activity that you love and do it. If you like dancing, find a local dance exercise class, or turn on your music at home and have fun! Wellness does not have to be boring!
  6. Trust the process. Do not attempt to microwave, instant pot, or air fry your results. Patience is a virtue, and greatness takes time. Patience in wellness will allow you to adopt sustainable habits that you can maintain. Celebrate your progress and small victories! 

Now that you have the resources you need to reach your wellness goals, you should be moving in the right direction. Our challenge to you is to worry less about counting calories and dieting and work towards adopting healthy habits that fit your lifestyle! Believe that you will achieve greatness, and you will! Aim for progress, not perfection!

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