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Beauty with Ebony.

Hey boo hey! Welcome to Beauty with Ebony. I don’t know about you but I am kind of excited for it to be winter! More importantly, I’m excited to have snow days and be able to be cute while dressing in layers to stay warm. I feel winter is the chance to showcase your style and beauty while staying warm. But baby this weather is not our skin or hair best friend. Let’s be honest we need some moisture and hydration year-round. Please don’t get caught in the stress of everyday life and forget to give yourself some TLC and grace. As a mom, licensed cosmetologist, vlogger, content creator, writer, and human, I understand how things can fall by the wayside. Life is going to “life” so you should go ahead and make sure the hair is healthy and your skin is glowing, with or without the sun. I have a few tips to keep the hair looking luxurious, the skin glowing, and you cute for the winter.

Hair Tips: 

~Be sure to thoroughly cleanse your hair and scalp, especially if you are a heavy oil or product user. Look for shampoos that say deep cleansing or clarifying.

~Follow with conditioning or hydrating shampoo and conditioner. 

~Get your ends trimmed!

~Your hair does not need oil daily! 

*If you are experiencing dry and brittle hair, it’s time for a treatment or mask. 

Skin Tips:

~Cleanse with the appropriate cleanser and moisturizer for your face and skin type

~Lock in the hydration and any serums that you used with a moisturizer.

~Look for products that contain hyaluronic or AHA to add hydration

~Stay away from extremely hot showers

*A winter(dry skin) skincare hack is slugging, as someone with oil skin, I do this twice a week.

*Slugging: using a “heavy” facial cream as the last step in your nighttime skincare routine. 

Fashion Tip:

~Baby, top off your outfit with a cute scarf, fedora, or silk/satin lined toboggan.

These tips will be sure to add to your glowing skin and healthy hair journey, especially during the winter months. Glowing skin, healthy, and styling the layered look will radiate and elevate the beauty you already have.

Thank you for tuning in, be sure to follow Triad Voice Mag and myself Ebony S Hairston on social media for more tips and hacks.

Love you boo,

Ebony Hairston

Licensed Cosmetologist, Mom and 

Lover of all things beauty (and fashion)

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