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Stay Calm and Carry On: Coping with Holiday Anxiety

By: Megan Whitefield

The twinkling lights are up, festive tunes fill the air – yet you just feel anxious maybe even dread. You’re not alone. For many, the holiday season stirs up stress, loneliness, and feelings of inadequacy instead of comfort and joy. Holiday anxiety is real and can dampen your holiday spirit. But with some practical coping strategies and self-care, you can minimize anxiety and truly savor special moments this season.

In this article, we’ll explore ways to maintain perspective, find support, and protect your mental health so you can truly thrive. The holidays don’t have to be perfect to be meaningful. Arm yourself with these tips to prevent anxiety from hijacking your holiday happiness.

Manage Expectations
The hype around picture-perfect holidays portrayed in media can make us feel inadequate. Focus on your personal values and let go of unrealistic expectations. Perfection is impossible – be gentle with yourself.
Stick to a Budget
Overspending can trigger anxiety. Make a holiday budget and stick to it. Be upfront about limits if you’re exchanging gifts. Get creative with homemade or experience gifts instead of physical items.
Embrace the Positive
Make time for beloved traditions, but don’t force merriment. Savor feel-good holiday activities like baking cookies, driving around to see lights, or watching nostalgic movies. Share positive memories.
Take Time Out
Holiday hustle can quickly become overwhelming. Schedule daily quiet time to decompress. Go for a walk, read a book, take a long bath – whatever soothes your mind. Just 10 minutes can help.
Connect with Support
If you experience loneliness or family tension, lean on your support network. Make plans with positive people who uplift you. Volunteering and community events can also help combat isolation.
Get Proactive
Don’t let obligations pile up. Make lists to stay organized, shop early to avoid crowds, and set festive but realistic goals for holiday prep. Accept that things may not be perfect.
Stay Healthy
Stick to regular sleep and exercise routines so you feel your best, both mentally and physically. Don’t skimp on self-care. Say no to commitments that drain you.
Seek Additional Help
If anxiety persists, talk to a professional. Many experience seasonal blues – there’s no shame in reaching out. Prioritize emotional well-being.

Conclusion: Though the hype and pressures of the season can seem relentless, remember that peace and joy starts from within. Stay focused on your values and make time for meaningful connections and celebrations that actually lift you up. Don’t hesitate to be honest about your feelings and get help if anxiety persists. With the right mindset and support system, you can find calm and contentment. This year, be kind to yourself so you can fully appreciate the spirit of the season. The holidays are what you make of them -your mental health deserves to be the priority.

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